7:30 P.M.
Meeting Minutes
I. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. D. Venezia introduced the meeting’s Guest Speaker Middlesex County Democratic Organization Vice-Chairperson Beatrice Moskowitz who spoke on the topic of the primaries. Ms. Moskowitz stated there are several municipalities that have challenges for the County committee seats. Ms. Moskowitz described the various methods of voting from mail in voting to early voting and voting on Election Day. She emphasized the importance of voting for all positions on the ballot. Ms. Moskowitz stated that Middlesex County has a strong organization and mentioned that the Middlesex County delegation has worked on a significant property tax rebate initiative. The Governor was recently in Edison and spoke of the program. Edison is the largest municipality in the County. Ms. Moskowitz emphasized that the County needs committed people who are active.
III. Approval of the Minutes of the March 27, 2023 Meeting. E. Zirpolo moved and B. Schwartz seconded the motion to approve the minutes of March 27, 2023. All members present voted to approve the minutes. Upon motion duly made by L. Massa, seconded by B. Schwartz and unanimously approved by the members present, the minutes of the meeting held during Hats On on April 23, 2023 were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report – E. Zirpolo reported that the current bank balance is $9,629.61 and there are 40 active members.
V. Calendar/Upcoming Events.
The MCFDW June Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 13th at 7:30 pm. The guest speaker will be Metuchen Mayor Jonathan Busch. The meeting will be held in person at a venue in Metuchen.
The MCFDW will be assembling a team to walk in the Walk for Hunger on Saturday, June 24th at Raritan Bay Waterfront Park in South Amboy. The event is sponsored by Feeding Middlesex County and will benefit County food banks and REPLENISH. The walk starts at 11 and MCFDW will have a pizza luncheon following the walk at Sciortino’s.
Swing By….The Brown Stone will be held on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at The Brown Stone in Metuchen.
VI. Social Media – Like and Share!
VII. Comments/ New Business.
Open Floor for Comments
D. Venezia stated that she would like to start a segment of the meeting, “Around the Room” where members could speak for a few minutes on something that was of note to them. D. Venezia started with a quote about how we deal with criticism and how criticism can benefit us more than praise. L. Massa added that constructive criticism is good, and it is a matter of how it is presented. We need to build each other up on our strengths. B. Schwartz commented on the City of New York’s new initiative and how times have changed.
VIII. Next Meeting – Tuesday, June 13th. Planning an in-person meeting!
IX. Adjournment. L. Massa moved to adjourn the meeting and E. Zirpolo seconded.