I. Vice President’s Greeting
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Business
The calendar on our website has been updated with 2019 meeting dates. Future meetings will generally be held on the 4th Wednesday of the month (Next meeting: June 26th). Civics corner focusing on mayors and council representatives. Guest Speakers TBD.
Feedback on Hats on For Women Event and Bark event
Volunteer for the MCFDW Nominations Committee! If you would like to volunteer, please fill out This Form. Please note that if you would like to run for the position of President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Communications Chair you cannot serve on the Nominations Committee.
Primary election, Tuesday June 4th, anyone needing a ride call Jenna Trent or contact the MCDO.
For Day-Of volunteering, contact the MCDO or your local committee
Poll workers are needed, training is needed. Contact the county clerk’s office for information.
Additional Election Day information can be found HERE and in our website's News & Notes "Election Information" section.
III. Peg Roberts Luncheon is 11-2pm on June 22nd at the Pines Manor. Members of the MCFDW board will be attending.
IV. Treasurer update:
Account balance, Fundraising ideas, DUES DUE! $25
V. Communications update
Newsflash input, Website details, Social media push
Our website has a new “Elections” tab in our News & Notes section and a new Photo Gallery section.
Send us General Election campaign events and volunteer opportunities once the primary results have been settled.
Please send us your local town events (they don’t have to be political)
Want swag? Pins for sale!
Learn about the importance of a committee person and how to become one
Learn about the importance of your county freeholders.
Thank you Freeholder Leslie Koppel for speaking to our members about the role of freeholders.
Each freeholder manages a group of related departments and they report to each other at meetings.
The county works to keep up to date with technology and keeping systems up to date.
AAA bond rating from S&P reaffirmed in the May Freeholders Meeting for the 18th year in a row.
Introducing Clary Azcona-Barber
VII. Upcoming Meetings/Events - 4th Wednesday of each month
Next Events:
Election Day! On June 4
Save the Date: Celebrate Middlesex 2019 on June 8