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January 2023 Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: MCFDWMCFDW


MEETING OF JANUARY 23, 2023, Held via ZOOM

7:30 P.M.


I. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

II. D. Venezia introduced the Guest Speaker – Jennifer L. Todd, LCSW, ACHT. Jennifer addressed how to deal with stress and challenges. She spoke of healing and empowerment. Jennifer conducted a guided meditation for the attendees.

III. D. Venezia swore in Linda Massa as Vice-President of the MCFDW to fill the unexpired term through year end.

IV. Approval of the Minutes of the November 28, 2022 Meeting – Upon motion duly made by L. Massa, seconded by B. Moskowitz, with abstentions by M. Costanza and L. Miceli, the minutes of the meeting of November 28, 2022 were approved.

V. Treasurer’s Report – E. Zirpolo reported that the balance in the MCFDW account is $8,175.37. Twenty- one members have paid dues to date.

VI. Calendar/Upcoming Events.

HATS ON – 2023 is scheduled for Sunday, April 23rd. The event will be held as a brunch at The Pines Manor, Edison. The second presentation of the Blanquita B. Valenti Award will be made. Nominations for the award will be requested in the near future and the criteria for the award will be provided.

The MCFDW will be participating in the Walk for Hunger on Saturday, June 24th at the Raritan Bay Waterfront Park. The walk is for benefit of Feeding Middlesex County.

The Swing By event has been scheduled at The Brown Stone on Tuesday, September 19th.

VII. Social Media – Like and Share! L. Miceli advised that all events are added to Facebook and that the events should be shared when they are posted.

VIII. Comments/ New Business.

D. Venezia presented the up-dated By-Laws. In accordance with the current By-Laws, the proposed new By-Laws are to be presented at this meeting and voted on at the next meeting. The revised By-Laws will be presented at the February meeting for adoption.

D. Venezia reported on the donation made by the MCFDW on behalf of Daria Ludas to the Jamesburg Educational Foundation for the Pollinator Garden to be named in Daria’s honor. The MCFDW will also establish a sponsorship fund in Daria Ludas’ honor.

D. Venezia reported that the MCFDW will be looking into in-person meetings, perhaps in different locations throughout the County.

S. Keating stated that Hope for Ukraine will be held at the State Theatre. The event will be an elaborate cocktail party and performance by the Ukrainian Philharmonic Orchestra on February 17th. The tickets are $250 of which $100 is allocated to Ukraine, $100 is for the orchestral performance and $50 for the party. Donations may also be made during the event.

IX. Next Meeting –

The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th.

X. Adjournment. Upon motion duly made by L. Massa and seconded by L. Miceli, the meeting was adjourned.

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