I. President’s Greeting
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Business
Thank you to those who donated and attended our Holiday Party!
Sending love to Vice Chair Beatrice Moskowitz! The MCFDW will be sending food from Colonial Diner to Beatrice next week - she is out of rehab and doing great!
III. VP Update:
Next Civics Corner: February Black History Month Panel Suggestions
Contact Jenna Trent if you have a recommendation or would like to volunteer
IV. Treasurer update:
Account balance - $3022.53
Fundraising ideas:
Selling merch, (mugs, pens, teespring?)
Sponsorships for Hats
DUES DUE! $25 - Checks should be made out to MCFDW and can be mailed to PO Box 481, Metuchen, NJ 08840
V. Communications update
Newsflash input - Send events to info@mcfdw.org by 7P Thursday for that week's newsflash
Website details - Minor redesign coming soon!
Social media push
Want swag? Pins for sale!
VI. Councilwoman: How to run, what it takes, and the importance of women in power!
Edina Brown, Councilwoman, Old Bridge
Stephany Kim-Chohan, Councilwoman, Highland Park
What can the MCFDW do to help in addition to campaign donations
Childcare resources
Support getting things done (information resources for being a council member)
Help filling vacancies - have a database of members by town
Training Day/Bootcamp for newly elected women
VII. Upcoming Meetings/Events - MCFDW meets the 4th Wednesday of each month
Next Events:
General Meeting - Wednesday February 27th 7pm MCDO Headquarters
Hats ON for Women Luncheon - Sunday April 14, Lagos North Bruns.
Keynote possibly Tammy Murphy, but open to recommendations
Jazz Night hosted by the Middlesex County Democratic Social Committee on Saturday, Jan. 26th, 7P - 10P at the Metuchen Elks Lodge #1914, 87 Middlesex Ave, Metuchen, New Jersey 08840. $25 per ticket ($35 at door). We have 10 available - who wants?
The Political Power of Women’s Anger hosted by Center for American Women and Politics on Jan 29, 7P - 9P.
2019 Passion * Power * Progress Awards, Feb 7, 2019 at 6 PM – 8 PM at Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, 2 Albany St, New Brunswick.
MCDO 2019 Trivia Night, March 3rd, 5P -7P at the Knights of Columbus, 109 Morrisey Ave in Avenel. (Join our team!)
Deadline for Change of Party Affiliation Dec. Forms for Primary Election is April 10.
Voter Registration Deadline for Primary Election is May 14.
Want to Stay in the Know? Visit us: www.mcfdw.org; Email us! info@mcfdw.org
Facebook @ Middlesex County Federation of Democratic Women Twitter & Instagram @mcfederationdw